OLD Heart for Africa Newsletter Archive

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I'm on a journey with a set destination. Heaven! I want to journey well and bless those traveling alongside me. I don't want to sit - I want to make progress - everyday.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Christmas Like Never Before

"Love one another deeply, from the heart." 1 Peter 1:22b

Christmas this year will be an amazing and precious time in Malawi and Swaziland. We are thrilled to share with you that we have seen Christ through your generous giving this Christmas, and it is not even Christmas yet.

There are few things more beautiful on this earth than to see someone love deeply and from their heart. It could only be rivaled by the beauty of watching someone receive this pure, deep, and sincere love.

As we prayed over and longed for an outpouring of our Lord's favor on these Christmas Gifts for Africa this year, we walked in faith as we realized the limited amount of time allotted to be able to receive these gifts and distribute them to those in Africa. But we are simply awed and amazed at the beauty of the "Body of Christ" which stretches across all of North America.

This Christmas there will be food, food, and more food for several communities and Children's Homes in Malawi as donations to purchase food have reached almost $3000.

This Christmas there will be 11 new bicycles delivered to volunteers who in the past have walked for miles to deliver food, medicine, and care to those in rural areas in Malawi. This gift will enable them to carry more, go further, and touch more lives for our Lord.

This Christmas the children at El Shaddai Children's Home in Swaziland will have an abundance of food and enjoy the pure pleasure of opening Christmas presents purchased especially for them. This will be a first for them.

Praise God, for He is showing His love for those in Africa through your obedience to share with others what He has entrusted to you. We at Heart for Africa, are humbly jubilant as we are allowed to see our Lord's love flow through each of you, and as we see the joy on the faces of those in Africa who will this year experience a Christmas like never before.
