OLD Heart for Africa Newsletter Archive

These Blogs Have Been Closed!

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Location: United States

I'm on a journey with a set destination. Heaven! I want to journey well and bless those traveling alongside me. I don't want to sit - I want to make progress - everyday.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Are You Wondering H.O.W? You Can Help Orphans and Widows???

Not only is H.O.W? an acronym for Helping Orphans and Widows, but by hosting a H.O.W? Jewelry Party, you can help contribute to the orphans and widows safety and well-being in Malawi, Swaziland and Kenya.

H.O.W? is designed to actively support women in African countries, helping them become self-sufficient and able to pay for their children’s or grandchildren’s food, clothing and education as opposed to prostituting themselves or their children to raise money to eat.

Our goal is to raise seed money to train women in need to skillfully create handicrafts of jewelry, rugs and tote bags to be sold at a profit through H.O.W?, benefiting the women, their children and Heart for Africa. This is done by partnering with ministries with which Heart for Africa already has a relationship (Somebody Cares in Malawi, Women’s Prison in Swaziland, Mully Children's Family in Kenya). All profits that come from the sale of the goods goes back to support the work and projects of Heart for Africa

In less than a month, 14 H.O.W? Jewelry parties were hosted mostly in the Atlanta area, raising more than $23,000 toward that end. The excitement about the products as well as the cause was infectious. If you would like to host your own party, please contact Deitra Shoemaker at deitra@heartforafrica.org or call 678-546-3782 for more information.