OLD Heart for Africa Newsletter Archive

These Blogs Have Been Closed!

They are for archive purposes only.

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Location: United States

I'm on a journey with a set destination. Heaven! I want to journey well and bless those traveling alongside me. I don't want to sit - I want to make progress - everyday.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Janine speaking in California - Sharing "It's Not Okay with Me"

We praise our Lord for His movement in hearts as they read Janine's book "It's Not Okay with Me". The response has been overwhelmingly beautiful. It is surely a God kiss to see hearts moved so deeply in such beautiful ways over such a deeply troubling book. But God loves truth --- and this book is honest in every way.

Janine has already recorded Chapter 3 in the studio and it can now be downloaded from both the Heart for Africa website (www.heartforafrica.org) as well as the books' website (www.itsnotokaywithme.com) There were many tears in the studio, as Janine's heart revisited the realities of the moments when she saw, loved, and rescued Kantwa.

Be watchful for an update letting you know when the entire book will be available on audio with a chapter being released each month by pod cast.

Janine is currently receiving emails requesting that she speak at churches, chapels, schools, and ladies groups. We are working to make this happen as often as possible. If you would like to invite her to speak, please email us at speaker@heartforafrica.org . What a blessing to see God open doors of opportunity as He is longing for His children to know the truth and to act. What is happening in Africa is not okay with us --- and it is most definitely not okay with God either.

Janine has many talks planned for the Atlanta area, but if you live in California or Hawaii, we hope you will join her on the following dates:

February 28, 2007 – North Coast Calvary Chapel
Carlsbad, CA
7:00 p.m.

March 1, 2007 - speaking in Fresno, California
(details coming soon)

March 4, 2007 – Christ the King Lutheran Church
Fallbrook, CA
8:00 and 10:30 a.m.

March 29 – 31, 2007 – Hawaiian Island Ministries
Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu
Heart for Africa Booth display