OLD Heart for Africa Newsletter Archive

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I'm on a journey with a set destination. Heaven! I want to journey well and bless those traveling alongside me. I don't want to sit - I want to make progress - everyday.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You Can Make It Happen In Africa

You've asked, "How can I help?, What can I do to really make a difference in Africa?"

Each year we receive a list of projects that our African Partners hope to be able to get done during the year. Without your help it is impossible to have these needs met. Please consider partnering with Heart for Africa and our African Partners to bring HOPE to the people and children of Africa. Please pray and ask God what your part in Africa is this year.

Are you to build a school for children who have no hope of an education?
Are you to buy a dairy cow so children can have the milk that they so desperately need?
Is your family or small group to fund a bore hole so that a whole village can have the clean water that they have never had?
Are you to support a children’s feeding program?

There are as many opportunities as you can imagine to become involved with the people of Swaziland, Kenya and Malawi. Please consider the following opportunities in the following countries:

El Shaddai Childrens Home/ Swaziland
5 school rooms $30,635
Mission House $7,000
School garden project $2,730
Staff housing for 10 teachers $6,300
New homes for orphan headed homes $57,600
Chicken project for ongoing income $5,650
Expand Dairy 10 cows @ $825 $8,250
Plant fruit trees 400-500 trees $5,500
6 sewing machines $1,320
Cloth, cottons, beads for crafts $1,870

New Hope Childrens Centre/ Swaziland
2 Houses for teenage children $132,000
28 Seater bus $66,000
12 Seater van $8,250
Wardrobes for new children $3,300
Bunk beds for new children $880
Clothing for children $4,400
School materials $5,500
School curriculum (ACE wookbooks) $6,600
New homes in community for orphans
And widows 20@ $2,880 $57,600
Arts and Crafts at school $2,750

Somebody Cares / Malawi ( Villages of Njewa, Chatimba/Chikudzulire, Mvunguti/Ngona, and Deya)
School supplies for new school in Deya $5,500
Bore Holes (wells) 11@$4,400 $48,400
Feeding centers in 5 villages $27,500
Community gardens at feeding centers $16,500
Home repairs for widows, aged and ill $75,000
Building pit latrines at Ngona 10@$750 $7,500
Seedling/seed farm at Balaka $82,500
Repairs of churches in 5 villages $16,500
Repairs on 5 child care centers $16,500
Funding for 5 feeding centers
5@$550/mo for 12 months $33,000

Rongo and Kitutu Masaba, Kenya
Bore holes 2@$11,000 $22,000
Medical supplies $1,100/mo $13,200
Orphan feeding center in Rongo $33,000
Orphan feeding program $1100/mo $13,200
Oasis Childrens Home 100 girls $278,573
Classroom for local school in Rongo $12,000
Complete church building in Rongo
Roof $6,600
Floor and seats $4,400
VCT testing center building $11,000
Staff training $2,200
Staff $4,800
Sports outreach soccer tournament $1,650
Vehicle for AIDS ministry with GOA $11,000.

Herefords Never Ending Garden Project/ Swaziland
Bore Holes 2@ $13,400 $26,800
Follow up nutritional study $23,500
Fontotje Care Center
Fencing $100
Classroom structure $1,775
Cooking Shelter $260
Ncatsavaneni Care Center
Fencing $100
Classroom structure $1,775
Cooking Shelter $260
Seedling shelter $500
Transportation for Jabulani to gardens
$85/wk $4,420
Daily laborers $1,560
The need may be overwhelming and maybe you don’t feel that you can make a difference. But if by your giving you can bring one shred of hope to one person in need, you will have made a difference far beyond anything you had imagined.
All donations are tax deductible.